T’ai Chi Ch’uan Winter Retreat, Yelapa , Mexico – February 7-13, 2016

Come join us playing Grandmaster Cheng Man-Ching’s short yang form in sunny Mexico.
Mornings are for t’ai chi sessions; afternoons for exploring, resting, etc.
First class will be February 7th. Please arrive and settle in before the 7th. Read More

Sensory Awareness Workshop in Seattle, Wa February 28-March 1, 2015

We are naturally born as vital, fully sensory beings. Traumas, tensions, even some education can diminish our vitality and full potential for living, creating unrest and insecurity in our lives. This simple practice of deeply experiencing our actions and interactions can guide us back to our natural resources, our spontaneity, and more authenticity and vitality. In this workshop participants will explore their experiences personally and in relation with others. Read More