The field of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Therapy has grown from research showing that babies within the womb, during birth, and post natally feel, have consciousness and memories, and react specifically to their experiences. These experiences affect greatly not only early childhood and development, but continue all the way through our lives into adulthood. Evidence confirms that many health issues – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual – are linked to prenatal and birth experiences and parent-infant bonding. Patterns for ones ability to deal with stress and trauma are also laid down in these early times. They inform us and follow us throughout our lives. These early responses that go so deep are developed before we are pre-verbal. If they are traumatic much of the work to resolve such trauma must engage on the pre-verbal level. Process workshops are excellent ways to work with such issues.
Dr Raymond Castellino, DC has developed these birth process workshops for adults out of his work with babies, infants and families. The nature of working in small groups enables us to transform material that inhibits the fulfillment of our potential – our birthright. Working somatically within this process workshop setting can have deep, profound and often comparatively quick resolution to issues that have seemed to resist other therapeutic attempts.
The workshop setting offers the opportunity to uncover, explore and support healing, with understanding and compassion, our own prenatal and birth imprinting. By connecting to this early layer of physical and emotional experience, within a safe, sustaining environment, there is the potential to repattern our bonding and attachment, clarify, ease, and transform early trauma and current unsupportive reactions. In small group settings (no more than seven participants over three days or two days with four or five participants), each participant is supported in his/her exploration of whatever issue they choose – somatic, early life trauma, pre- or perinatal issues, relationship, etc. This in turn can offer us more choice around how we respond to our relationships and open us to deeper, more loving experiences.
This workshop is experiential in nature and is not offered as training. It provides an opportunity for participants to deepen their level of awareness of prenatal and birth process.
Each participant is required to be in attendance for the entire workshop as s/he is an important part of the surround. The initial phase of the workshop is about developing a safe and nurturing environment, then each participant has the opportunity to work on their chosen issue as the remaining members provide support with and under the direction of the leader. Upon application for this workshop participant will be sent a questionnaire. Answering the questions will begin the personal preparation for the workshop.
January 21-24, 2010
Seattle, Washington
Registration for this workshop will be confirmed after questionnaire is filled and returned to leader.
Tuition: $600 US
Register with Judyth: 206-361-4124 or:
PLEASE REGISTER EARLY, these workshops are limited and fill up quickly
NOTE: Pre- and Perinatal Process workshops by Judyth are approved for 23.5 units of CEU’s by the American College of Nurse-Midwives.
Learn more about Pre- and Perinatal Therapy