T’ai Chi Ch’uan Winter Retreat, Yelapa , Mexico – February 7-13, 2016

With Judyth Weaver

Come join us playing Grandmaster Cheng Man-Ching’s short yang form in sunny Mexico.
Mornings are for t’ai chi sessions; afternoons for exploring, resting, etc.
First class will be February 7th.  Please arrive and settle in before the 7th.
Tuition for classes: $650.00 US or Can equivalent
Register for workshop with Judyth by December 15th:
Class is at Hotel Lagunitas:  Most students stay there.  (The food is good also.)
There are also a multitude of other places to stay.
Accommodations are very varied.  Judyth can help you decide and make contacts.

room 7

view room 12

