Please also visit the new Sensory Awareness Japan website.
Download the PDF of the Japanese translation here.
- Fenichel, C. N. (1981). From the Early Years of the Gindler Work. In: Sensory Awareness Foundation Bulletin: Elsa Gindler, 1885-1961, Vol. 10(II). (pp. 4-9). Muir Beach, CA.
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- Roche, M.A. (2000). Sensory Awareness: Conscious Relationship. In: Somatics, XII (4), (pp. 4-54). Novato, CA: Somatics Society.
- Rosen, M. with Brenner, S. (2003). Rosen Method Bodywork. Berkeley, CA. North Atlantic Books.
- Weaver, J.O. (1997/8) Touching Our Human Essence – Leading Sensory Awareness Classes in Different Cultures. In: Somatics, XI (3), (pp. 36-39). Novato, CA: Somatics Society.